What is the recognition book about?
All Veterans, new and old, families, or Branches are asked to submit pictures and short stories for inclusion in one of these forthcoming books. Please consider completing a form on your loved one and send it to our office along with a picture of the person who served to be included in one of these commemorative books. Our Veterans of the past fought for our freedom and should be recognized and honoured for their sacrifices to all of us and our country. We also need to take time to honour those now serving in the military. They equally are paying a high price by being away from their homes and families to keep peace in our world.
Print off the attached submission form and send it along to our office with a picture to get your family member added to a future book, free of charge. A Provincial telephone appeal also takes place on a yearly basis to request support for this project. Businesses will be asked to purchase advertising space and private citizens will be contacted as well to request support for this important initiative of the Saskatchewan Command. Proceeds raised will be used by the Legion to improve services to Veterans and the more than 200 communities that they serve throughout the Province of Saskatchewan. Find out in which Military Recognition Book your loved one is featured by using our database feature below!
Military Service Recognition Book – Submission Form
Searchable Database of Submissions (includes War Brides)
Current Edition (2024)
Past Editions
Click on a past edition to view it or download it.